Advanced Learner Loan bulletin - July 2023
Last updated: 30 May 2024
ESFA performance management review points
The Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) has recently updated the Advanced Learner Loans funding rules to include details of the performance review points for academic year 2023/24.
You must have used at least 75% of your loan facility by the first review point, which is Thursday 14 September, to be considered for growth. Exceptional case forms are available from territorial team leads for providers that won't meet the criteria from 4 September.
Please continue to closely monitor your LAFILs and enrolments, as well as the information held on the financial reports.
Lifelong loan entitlement
You may have noticed that we've added a new section to the LP Services website dedicated to lifelong loan entitlement. This section will be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure that you have access to the most up to date information ahead of implementation in 2025/26.
Best practice
In preparation for the start of academic year 2023/24, please perform regular housekeeping tasks.
This includes checking the Payment Instalment Report (PIR) on the Financials Home tab for each academic year going back to 2017/18 and complete any overdue administration tasks.
Please also check your CoC worklist to ensure you've submitted all outstanding suspensions and withdrawals. This will make sure outstanding admin tasks are completed for previous academic years.
Updating contract manager details
Please check that your contract manager details are correct on the Learning Provider Portal, including name, telephone and email address. You can find these on the Learning Provider Details page. This page shows the information the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) has forwarded on to us.
You can find more information in the Updating provider details and Contract details chapters of the Learning Provider Portal user guide.