ALL bulletin – November 2020

Last updated: 30 Nov 2020

Historical attendance confirmations

We’ve recently found some examples where it appears a Withdrawal Change of Circumstance (CoC) was submitted, but a final confirmation of attendance remains outstanding. Payments are therefore still scheduled for the period before the effective withdrawal date.

Please check the payment schedule and attendance report on the LP Portal for each academic year to see if you have any historical attendance confirmations.

If so, you must either: 

  • resubmit your withdrawal with an effective date equal to the attendance confirmation due date
  • confirm attendance for the outstanding month, including, if necessary, a fee loan reduction if the student then withdrew partway through the month

Please also visit your CoC worklist to ensure you have administered all outstanding submissions. 

You can contact our Partners Support Desk for help with withdrawal effective date corrections. 

Change of Circumstance notifications

We’d like to remind you of the importance of submitting suspensions and withdrawals as soon as the change details are finalised, and certainly not any later than within 60 days of notification. This ensures that learners enter repayment at the correct time and that their funding is in line with their true entitlement.

Advanced Learner Loans paid in England – AY 2019/20

We have recently published the statistics of Advanced Leaner Loans paid in England for AY 2019/20. The document compares payments we have made with the same period in the previous 2 academic years.

Advanced Learner Loans Service Review Forums

The Advanced Learner Loan forum programme for 2020 is now complete. Thank you to those of you who attended, we hope you found them useful. We will be using your feedback to help shape our future events.

You can view the slides from the forums in the Events section of the website.

October performance management review point

In line with ESFA funding rules, you were notified of the outcome of the October review point in the week commencing 9 November.

If you were awarded an increase to your loan facility, you should have received an updated contract. You must digitally sign this before ESFA will tell us about the increase. 

If you still have to sign, please do this as soon as possible.

If you were able to sign before lunchtime on 25 November, the facility increase should now be showing on the Learning Provider Portal.