Preparing for academic year 2022/23
Last updated: 20 Sep 2022
Many of your learners have now started their loan-funded courses or will be starting soon. We've created a checklist you can use to help us release timely loan payments on behalf of them.
- Are all learning aims details correct, including start and end date?
- Has the learner entered the correct fee amount? Does their requested loan amount match this?
- If not, have you submitted the appropriate change of circumstance notification?
- Have you entered Unique Learner Numbers for all approved applications?
It is important that the information for each learner is correct before you submit the initial attendance confirmation.
You must confirm initial attendance within 6 weeks of the learning aim start date. If the application is approved more than 4 weeks after the start date, you must submit the attendance confirmation within 2 weeks of the approval.