Version 2 - Last Updated: 03 May 2023

Schedules and service levels

Current payment schedule and attendance export

Two options appear on the Learner Search and Learner Information Results pages:

  • Export XML Payment Schedule & Attendance
  • Export CSV Payment Schedule & Attendance

You can export the results directly from the Learner Search page.

  1. Enter your search criteria.

  2. Select Export XML Payment Schedule & Attendance or Export CSV Payment Schedule & Attendance.

  3. Enter a filename for the export.

  4. Select Export Results.

    An image of the export results popup with the export results button highlighted with a red rectangle, in the learner details page.

Alternatively, you can view the search results on screen first.

  1. Enter your search criteria on the Learner Search page.

  2. Select View Results to see the learners who match your search.

  3. If you want to export the search results, select Export XML Payment Schedule & Attendance or Export CSV Payment Schedule & Attendance.

  4. Enter a filename for the export.

  5. Select Export Results.

You can enter any search criteria for the payment schedule and attendance export. However, you will only see applications with a payment schedule in the exported file (for example those that are approved, withdrawn or suspended).

If none of the selected applications have a payment schedule, you will get an error message if you try to export the results. The message will say, 'No records match the criteria entered. Please amend your criteria and search again.'

An image of the results export popup with the error message 'No records match the criteria entered. Please amend your criteria and search again. highlighted with a red rectangle.

Export files

Csv export

The csv export file will show the following headings:

  • learner surname
  • learner forename
  • learner date of birth
  • unique learner reference number
  • additional learner reference number
  • scheduled payment date
  • actual payment date
  • payment amount
  • payment status
  • payment pended reason
  • attendance confirmation date
  • attendance confirmation status
  • submitted by

Descriptions of some of the headings are below.

Scheduled payment date

The date we plan to pay your organisation if you have confirmed attendance, the National Insurance number is verified and the bank details are correct.

Actual payment date

The date we will pay your organisation. This is sometimes different from the scheduled payment date if any of the above information is missing or incorrect.

Payment amount

The amount that we will pay your organisation in that instalment.

Payment status

The status of the payment, for example paid or scheduled.

Payment pended reason

If you have confirmed attendance but we cannot make the payment, the reason will appear under this heading. For example, it could be 'National Insurance number not verified'.

Attendance confirmation date

The first date by which we need you to confirm attendance for the instalment. If it is the first payment, the attendance confirmation date will be 2 weeks after the learner’s start date. If it is a subsequent payment, the attendance confirmation date will be the first of the month.

Attendance confirmation status

The learner’s status for that payment period. This could be:

  • in attendance
  • not in attendance
  • awaiting confirmation

Submitted by

The member of staff who has confirmed the attendance status, as well as the date and time of the confirmation. We only need quarterly confirmation so the same person, date and time may appear against multiple payments.

The data will show every payment for each learner who has payments scheduled. These will appear on separate rows. 

Csv export

The csv file will show each scheduled payment in a separate row. Therefore multiple rows will appear for most learners. The data will be ordered alphabetically by learner surname.

Xml export

Details of the xml export are defined in the Current Payment Schedule and Attendance Export schema. If you need a copy of this, please email