Version 4 - Last Updated: 03 May 2023

Change of Circumstance notifications (CoCs)

Decrease Loan Amount CoC

You may need to use this CoC if the learner has asked to decrease the amount of loan to fund their course and wants to self-fund the remainder. You can only apply the Decrease Loan Amount CoC to one learner at a time. The requested loan amount cannot be greater than the learner’s current entitlement amount.

  1. Go to the Change of Circumstance tab and select the Decrease Loan Amount CoC.
  1. Select the Yes or No radio button as needed.

  2. If you selected Yes, enter the required loan amount. The fee format is £00000.00 with a maximum of 13 digits before and 2 digits after the decimal point. The requested loan amount cannot be greater than the learner’s current entitlement amount.

  3. If you selected No, you cannot submit the CoC. You cannot increase the loan amount on the Learning Provider Portal. Only the learner can increase their loan amount through the Customer Portal.

  4. Select Next to complete the CoC details and submit the CoC.