Version 4 - Last Updated: 03 May 2023

Change of Circumstance notifications (CoCs)

Requesting a submissions report


  1. On the portal Home page, hover over the Applicant Information Service tab. This will open a menu, then select CoC Home.

  2. Select Reports, then Submissions Report.

    An image of the coc home page highlighting the submissions reports menu option.

  3. Enter the CoC Submitted From and CoC Submitted To. The date format must be dd/mm/yyyy. These fields default to today’s date. Neither data can be in the future.

  4. Select the year from the Academic Year or Financial Year dropdown. The format is yy/yy in descending order. You must enter either an academic year or a financial year, but not both.

    An image of the CoC submissions report.

The report contains:

  • the number of CoCs in each category
  • the total number of CoCs
  • the percentage that each category represents of the total