Version 4 - Last Updated: 03 May 2023

Financial reports

Viewing the loan position report

Viewing the loan position report

The loan position report has 2 separate tables:

  • loan position
  • applications not progressing to payment

The details are correct as at the close of business the night before.

An image of the loan position report in financials home.

The order of the months in the loan position report depends on whether you've selected the academic year or the financial year.

If you chose to view the information by academic year, the report will run from August to July.

If you chose the financial year, the report will run from April to March.

In both cases, it will show a full 12 months.

The application count will include all learners with a learning aim start date within the academic or financial year you selected.

The monetary value will be a sum of the payment amounts for each month.

If the report includes learners whose course spans more than one academic year, it will show a difference between the monetary value and the number of applications. 

This is because the start dates of these learners will be in the previous academic year. They will therefore not show in the application count. However, as they still have ongoing payments, the monetary values will show.

Table 1 – loan position

An image of the loan position report highlighting table 1 in red.

The Loan Position table is the first part of report. It details payments for the following applications.

Submitted applications

Applications that are still in progress, meaning at a pre-approval workstage.

The monthly breakdown and year to date fields will not be populated for submitted applications.

Applications progressing

Applications that will be ready for payment once you confirm attendance:

  • the learning aim start date is for the selected year
  • the learner has a ULN
  • the learner has a verified National Insurance number
  • the application state is either approved or withdrawn

The to date, monthly breakdown and year to date fields will not be populated for applications progressing.

Instalments approved

Approved instalments include payments where:

  • the learner has a ULN
  • the learner has a verified National Insurance number
  • the application state is either approved, withdrawn or suspended
  • the learner is not liable for the instalment
  • the attendance has not been confirmed

Instalments awaiting confirmation

Instalments awaiting confirmation include payments where:

  • the learner has a ULN
  • the learner has a verified National Insurance number
  • the application state is either approved, withdrawn or suspended
  • the learner is liable for the instalment
  • the attendance has not been confirmed

Instalments where attendance confirmed

Instalments where attendance confirmed include payments where:

  • the learner has a ULN
  • the learner has a verified National Insurance number
  • the application state is either approved, withdrawn or suspended
  • the learner is liable for the instalment
  • the attendance has been confirmed

Paid/in progress

Paid/in progress instalments include payments where:

  • the learner has a ULN
  • the learner has a verified National Insurance number
  • the application state is either approved, withdrawn or suspended
  • the learner is liable for the instalment
  • the attendance has been confirmed
  • the payment has been made
  • payments made in respect of attendance confirmations submitted after the payment drawdown date in a previous month (matching financial statement)

Drawdown for payment is the process where we calculate the number of positive attendance confirmations we’ve received and determine the total payments that are due to you for a month.


This will display the offset amount held against the learning provider to date.


This is the sum of the values held in the report.

Table 2 – applications not progressing to payment

An image of the loan position report with table 2 highlighted in red.

Applications Not Progressing to Payment is the second part of the report. It shows payments for the following applications.

Approved awaiting signature   

Approved awaiting signature instalments include payments where:

  • the learning aim start date is for the selected year
  • the learner has a ULN
  • the learner has a verified National Insurance number
  • the application state is approved awaiting signature

Missing ULN

Missing ULN instalments include payments where:

  • the learning aim start date is for the selected year
  • the learner does not have a ULN
  • the learner has a verified National Insurance number
  • the application state is approved

Approved awaiting signature and missing ULN

Approved awaiting signature and missing ULN instalments include payments where:

  • the learning aim start date is for the selected year
  • the learner does not have a ULN
  • the learner has a verified National Insurance number
  • the application state is approved awaiting signature

NINO not verified

Instalments marked NINO not verified include payments where:

  • the learning aim start date is for the selected year
  • the learner does not have a verified National Insurance number
  • the application state is approved or approved awaiting signature

Applications currently suspended

Applications currently suspended instalments include payments where:

  • the learning aim start date is for the selected year
  • the application state is suspended
  • attendance is not confirmed


This is the sum of the values held in the report.