Published: 29/11/2021 · Last Updated: 29/11/2021

Advanced Learner Loan bulletin – November 2021

Advanced Learner Loans Service Review Forums

The Advanced Learner Loan forum programme for 2021 is nearly complete.

Our face-to-face sessions provided a lot of great insight and feedback so thanks to all of those that were able to attend. We are running virtual sessions in the week commencing 29 November and look forward to seeing those of you who are joining us.

We hope you find these events useful and we will be using your feedback to help shape our future events.

We'll publish the slides shown during the forums shortly and let you know when they are available.

October performance management review point

If you have been awarded an increase to your loan facility, you should have received an updated contract. You must digitally sign this before ESFA will tell us about the increase. If you are still to sign your contract, please do this as soon as possible.

We are expecting ESFA to send us the growth file on 14 December. If your growth award has been included in the file, this will be visible on the Loan Facility Details report from the morning of 15 December.

As a reminder, the January performance management review point is 14 January 2022. You will need to have used 90% or more of your facility to be in scope for a growth award.

Change of Circumstance notifications

We’d like to remind you of the importance of submitting suspensions and withdrawals as soon as the change details are finalised, and certainly not any later than within 90 days of notification. This ensures that learners enter repayment at the correct time and their funding is in line with their true entitlement.
