Useful contacts

Funding Information Partner Account Managers

Our Funding Information Partner Account Managers deliver information and guidance on the learner application process. You can find their contact details on our practitioner website.

Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA)

If you want to discuss any elements of your ESFA funding, please contact your ESFA Territorial Team Lead.

You can also submit an enquiry using the ESFA Enquiry Form. This will send your questions to the relevant area in ESFA.

Apply for Advanced Learner Loan

The ALL online application and downloadable paper applications are available on GOV.UK.

ALL learner helpline

If a learner has a query they cannot resolve through their online account, they can call our helpline on 0300 100 0619.

National Careers Service

Careers advice for learners online, or via their helpline on 0800 100 900.

Money Advice Service

Independent and impartial money advice available online, or via their helpline on 0800 138 7777.
