Version 4 - Last Updated: 03 May 2023
Detailed Learner Information page confirmation
You can also confirm attendance in the Current Payment Schedule and Attendance section of the Detailed Learner Information page.
You can get to this page by selecting the learner’s name on the Attendance Worklist or from the Learner Information page.
The Current Payment Schedule and Attendance section of the page shows the following information.
Scheduled Payment Date
The date when the instalment is scheduled for payment.
Actual Payment Date
The date when we made the payment to you.
Payment Amount
The amount we paid or will pay you.
Payment Status
The status of the payment can be:
- scheduled – it is due to be made
- in progress – it been triggered and is in the banking system
- paid – it has been made
- failed – it has failed (please contact our support desk for more information)
Attendance Confirmation Date
The date by which you need to confirm the learner’s attendance.
Attendance Confirmation Status
The attendance confirmation status can be:
- in attendance
- not in attendance
- change start date
Submitted By
The details of the user who submitted the attendance confirmation. Until an attendance confirmation has been submitted, this field will show the user who last updated the record.
After the learner’s application has been approved, the full list of payments will show, along with the attendance confirmation status that is linked to each payment.
If you need to submit a confirmation, you'll see a dropdown with attendance confirmation statuses. To confirm attendance, select the appropriate status from the dropdown.
The dropdown will only be available when we need you to confirm attendance.
You will not be able to submit a positive or negative attendance confirmation in the months of assumed attendance, between the 4 attendance confirmation points. We will assume that the learner is in attendance unless you submit a Withdrawal CoC.
If you submit a Withdrawal CoC, all future payment instalments will be deleted from this page.
Applications with no attendance confirmation for 12 months will be automatically withdrawn.
More than one outstanding confirmation
If there is more than one outstanding confirmation, you can submit all these from the Detailed Learner Information page. However, you should submit each confirmation individually, starting with the earliest.
For example, if the initial and November confirmations are outstanding, you should first select the status for the initial confirmation and select Submit. When the page refreshes, you can select the status for the November confirmation.
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