Version 4 - Last Updated: 03 May 2023

Financial reports

Payment instalment learner details reports

You can view subreports by selecting the hyperlinked payment instalment amounts. If the payment amount is 0, there will be no hyperlink. 

You can use the hyperlinks to view both paid and unpaid amounts, as well as a monthly instalment details report. All of these go down to learner level detail. 

The paid subreport contains information about payments. The unpaid subreport contains learning aim, fee and entitlement amounts.

An image of the export csv report button in the payment instalment report learner details.

You can export both subreports in csv format. To do this, select Export CSV Report.

Learning aim start year view

  1. Select the relevant year from the Academic Year dropdown, then select Export CSV Report

    An image of the box in which to add the filename of the csv file to download.
  2. Enter a filename and select Export Report.

    An image of the learning aim view export csv button.

The report will show:

  • all applications with an academic intent start date) within that academic year
  • all scheduled payments associated with the application

The data will cover up to 48 months.

An image of the payment instalment report exported file.

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