Version 4 - Last Updated: 03 May 2023

Change of Circumstance notifications (CoCs)

Learning Aim CoC

You may need to use this CoC if a learner decides to undertake a different learning aim, or you need to update their start or end date.

You can only update the start date while the application is at the pre-liability stage.

The fields this CoC can capture are: 

  • learning aim
  • start date
  • end date
  • course trainer
  • course location
  • effective date

These CoC fields are optional. You can enter information in one or more of them, depending on what is changing.

  1. Go to the Change of Circumstance tab and select the Learning Aim Details CoC.

  2. Enter the learning aim title. The system will search for possible matches across all learning aims.

  3. Enter the start date. The date format is dd/mm/yyyy.
    The start date cannot be before the course start year.
    The start date must be before the end date.
  1. Enter the end date. The date format is dd/mm/yyyy.
    The end date must be after the start date.
    When you change the end date, we'll update the payment schedule so it matches the new end date. For example, if the end date is now earlier, the payment schedule will be shorter. If the end date is now later, the payment schedule will be longer.
  1. Enter the course trainer code. This can include numbers and letters and have up to 8 characters.

  2. Enter the course location code. This can include numbers and letters and have up to 8 characters.
  3. Select Next to complete the CoC details and submit the CoC.

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